The Difference Between the Buy-Side and Sell-Side in M&A

Because these two types of research serve disparate purposes, sell-side and buy-side analysts employ different research methodologies in their processes. Meanwhile, a buy-side analyst usually can’t afford to be wrong often, or at least not to a degree that significantly affects the fund’s relative performance. Occasionally, sell-side analysts fail to revise their estimates, but their expectations do change.

sell-side vs buy-side

Investment Banking Career Path – Ultimate Guide (2021 Updated)

  • At the risk of sounding redundant and stating the obvious, mathematical knowledge is essential when it comes to quantitative finance.
  • The buy-side is said to be better when it comes to making money, as it gives you the opportunity to earn more, especially when the investments generate high returns.
  • Ultimately, the goal of the LBO fund is to make improvements in the business and to help it grow, so the fund can sell the business down the road to generate a return for investors.
  • Sales and trading jobs are intensely involved in making the stock market move every day.
  • In a sell side M&A transaction, the seller is usually in a weaker negotiating position than the buyer, as the buyer has the advantage of choosing from a wider pool of potential targets.
  • Sell-Side Quants create tailor-made securities and hedge complex portfolios for their clients.

These parties are concerned about financial analysis, acquisition, and investment. A requirement of higher skill-sets and knowledge for buy-side analysts for the investment decisions makes them fetch higher pay than the sell-side analysts. These companies invest in securities, usually on behalf of their clients or limited partners. In this process, Goldman and the client agree that the best course of action would be to raise capital via a debt issuance. And many traders can join global macro funds or groups that use trading-like strategies such as convertible bond arbitrage – but you won’t see them joining PE firms. But they’re also cherry-picking data and ignoring the ~99% of professionals in the industry who sell-side vs buy-side earn an order of magnitude less – and the various buy-side roles with no performance fees or much lower fees.

The role of a buy-side investment bank

Quant researchers obviously focus on different topics than Quant Developers, but most practitioners would agree that the above description is a fair approximation of most positions. While quantitative traders can “only” hold undergrad or master’s degrees, quantitative researchers are normally expected to have a Ph.D. VDRs allow sell-side entities to control access to confidential documents and information during the due diligence process. They can set permissions, track user activity, and revoke access if needed, ensuring that sensitive data remains secure. VDRs help buy-side entities save time and money by eliminating the need for physical data rooms, printing, and logistical expenses.

sell-side vs buy-side

Buy-Side vs. Sell-Side Analysts: An Overview

sell-side vs buy-side

In this division, a bank employs Research Analysts to research companies across the entire economy and to provide their view in Research Reports and financial analysis (aka Estimates) on the company. Research Analysts can help Long-Only and Long/Short Investors learn about the latest happenings with a company and whether an investment is attractive or unattractive. LBO investors typically buy the entire business (called a ‘Controlling‘ stake) and pay for the business with a combination of debt and cash (similar to the funding for a home purchase). If you ever consider working on the sell-side, your work will involve financial modeling, conducting industry research, creating research reports and pitch books, managing client relationships, making sales and closing deals. An area in which a sell-side investment bank brings a lot of value is during the due diligence phase.

Buy-Side vs Sell-Side: Exit Opportunities

They also recognize the value of having existing industry connections since, for many decades, the private equity industry functioned almost entirely on “who you knew.” To reiterate, sell-side equity research analysts are typically part of an investment bank and focus on a universe of stocks within one or two industries in order to provide insightful investment ideas and recommendations. When talking about financial market institutions, it is common to make an artificial distinction between buy-side and sell-side companies.

Buy-Side Analyst vs. Sell-Side Analyst: What’s the Difference?

The bottom line is that if the exit opportunities are your top concern, you should try to start in a “Deals” role. Also, the standards for advancing are higher because you must make money or have the potential to do so. On average, though, it is a bit more “straightforward” to advance in sell-side roles. Once again, this point depends more on the specific industry and firm type and less on the buy-side vs. sell-side distinction. In short, the stress in sell-side roles has a higher frequency, but the stress in buy-side roles has a higher amplitude.

Could an investment bank advise on both the buy-side and sell-side?

The PM decides to invest and buys the securities, which flows the money from the buy-side to the sell-side. They analyze reports made by the sell-side and make their own research based on it. The buy-side of a deal is represented by specialists who help an acquirer buy securities offered by the sell-side. On a large account, the mission of many sell-side analysts is to sell the idea and strategy. Here are just a few of the many benefits that using a sell-side only advisor has as compared to one who does both. We’ll explore this all in more detail in a future article, but the idea behind this is that you can Hedge out the day-to-day fluctuations (or Volatility) in the market and still achieve attractive returns.

sell-side vs buy-side

Advantages and Disadvantages of Sell Side M&A

Additionally, sell-side analysts now need to provide more detailed explanations of their analytical methods and assumptions, which enhances transparency for buy-side analysts. The adoption of advanced technologies and data analytics has also become more prevalent, driven by the need to manage information effectively and comply with regulatory standards. Yes, some large financial institutions employ buy-side and sell-side analysts, though conflict-of-interest rules stipulate that the activities and knowledge on one side shouldn’t find their way to the other.

Advantages of Data in Sell-Side M&A

Buy-side analysts, asset managers, institutional investors, and retail investors help their clients to generate investment returns by means of an M&A deal. Analysts behind the scenes often play a critical role when a company’s stock soars or plummets. Buy-side and sell-side analysts share the goal of analyzing securities and markets, but their incentives and audience mean that their results will often differ.

That’s because when a seller has retained an investment bank, they usually decide to sell, increasing the likelihood that a deal will happen and that a bank will collect its fees. Meanwhile, investment banks often pitch to buy side clients, which doesn’t always materialize into deals. Until several decades ago, most funds relied on sell-side research from brokerage firms. However, as the industry grew and became more competitive, many large institutional investors began to build their own in-house research teams to gain an edge in the market.

Companies that seek an exit strategy via M&A typically work with a sell-side partner to identify potential buyers. The sell-side tries to get the highest price possible for each financial instrument while providing insight and analysis on each of these financial assets. At the most junior positions, roles may be very similar, but at more senior positions the roles start to vary more significantly.

These individuals perform research and make recommendations to the money managers of the fund that employs them. Buy-side investment banks are usually contracted by large strategic acquirers or private equity firms to search for companies they can acquire or invest in, as well as to evaluate the integrity of a potential investment. Their goal is to optimize contract terms for the buyer while also closing a successful deal. Sell-side investment banks are most often retained by founders and private equity firms to liquidate all or a portion of their equity in their company. Founders who hire a sell-side firm recognize that an experienced investment bank will be better positioned to negotiate with an experienced buyer during the transaction process. Being a data-driven firm means you are more informed and can find opportunities earlier and faster than your competition.

The theme, context, and subject of messages, stories, cases, and testimonials on this website are factual, while the supporting images/ graphics, etc., have been used only for effect, with due permissions, if required. A buy-side analyst is much more concerned about being right than a sell-side analyst is. In fact, avoiding the negative is often a key part of the buy-side analyst’s job, and many analysts pursue their job from the mindset of figuring out what can go wrong with an idea.

At the risk of sounding redundant and stating the obvious, mathematical knowledge is essential when it comes to quantitative finance. Unlike other fields where basic arithmetics is part of everyday life, like accounting roles, for example, quant positions require deep knowledge of advanced mathematical topics. Naturally, the buy side and sell side of the deal are also different in the roles and responsibilities they carry out during the transaction. Let’s take a look at what the buy-side or the sell-side teams do during the M&A process. The buy side of the deal is represented by the acquiring company and other specialists who work with the acquirer.

For example, advancement at a multi-manager hedge fund is a structured, predictable process based on performance, while advancement at a small, single-manager fund is more random and subject to the whims of the Founder. On average, you will work the longest hours in “Deal” roles because more work, documents, and deliverables are required to close large deals involving entire companies. Their compensation is relatively fixed, based on internal company budgets – but most people still consider corporate finance an alternative to banking or an exit opportunity. But the compensation ceiling is higher than in sell-side roles because prop traders can use strategies that traders at banks cannot and are more lightly regulated.

The streamlined workflow also reduces the overall duration of the M&A transaction. VDRs facilitate collaboration among buy-side teams, legal advisors, financial analysts, and other stakeholders. They can share insights, exchange comments, and collaborate in real-time, regardless of geographical location. VDRs centralize all relevant documents and data, making it easier for buy-side professionals to conduct due diligence.

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